So, I have attempted to get this blog started several times, but it has just never happened. Today, I am finally taking the plunge, thanks to some encouragement from my dear, sweet, cousin Kaylie. I think part of my problem in the past is that I have always wanted to start blogging where Maben and I started, but it was taking too much time and effort, so I am going to start with today. (Well, actually, last night, because nothing exciting has happened yet today.)
Yesterday, our little man turned five months! I can't even believe it. It seems like just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital. He is so much fun, and he adds so much joy to our lives. He is constantly learning, and last night he amazed us with a new skill- he can roll from his back to his tummy! Anyway, in honor of Hunter's five month birthday, I thought I would post some recent pictures of him.
This is not the prettiest picture of me, but it was really cute of Hunter. He doesn't like to smile for the camera, so it had to be shared.
Hunter loves to play with his feet, and most of the time they end up in his mouth.
Hunter has also made a friend named Ethan since we've been in Logan.
Hunter loves to help Dad with homework.
He also loves to be sitting up looking around.
Hunter doesn't love to play on his tummy, but he is getting better at it.
Hunter also loves his Grandpa! (Well, all his family, of course.)
And last but not least, Happy Birthday to Maben on the 21st!