Friday, March 9, 2012

Like Father, Like Son

Hunter absolutely adores his Dad. (I can't say I blame him, I kinda like him too.) As soon as Maben walks through the door when he gets home, Hunter's full attention is devoted to him. He loves to spend time with Maben, and he loves when Maben gives him attention. This morning while we were eating breakfast, Hunter was sitting in his bouncer seat. I watched him as he played with the toys, and every so often, I would see him look over at Maben just to see if he was watching him. He likes to help Maben do his homework or really anything. He also loves to try on his dad's hats. He loves to have a hat on because he knows that's what Daddy does. So, we decided to buy Hunter his very own hat so that he could be just like his Dad.

Maben and Hunter in green shirts and their hats.

Hunter all tuckered out on our Sunday drive.
My two boys' hats hanging next to each other.